Step 1: Submit Your Items
After reviewing your photos we will suggest a resale price for your item to help you decide if consignment is the right choice.
If we feel our store is not the best choice for getting the most value back on your item we will refer you to another local consignment shop.
If you need a delivery service, we can assist you with getting a quote to have your items delivered to the shop. We encourage deliveries to be scheduled Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. as Saturdays our loading dock is mostly used for pick ups.
Our store offers a 50/50 split on the final selling price of each item.
We issue payments by mail 45-days after the last day of the month which your item sells. For example, if your item sold in January your payment would be issued 45-days after January 31st.
Mark downs are made in 10% increments each month your item remains unsold.
Our consignment term is 120-days. We have hundreds of consignors and thousands of items in our shop. We simply cannot notify every consignors when the 120-days has passed. We encourage consignors to mark their calendars so they do not forget to pick up their items if they do not sell. Items that have not been picked up after 120-days will become property of Sarah Cyrus Home and are subject to donation.
We look forward to assisting you and welcome your questions!